Campus Bio-medico University of Rome

- Call for selection of 5 grants
- Call for “Visiting Programme for Ukraine”
Deadline: 15 April 2022

To initiate concrete actions for the benefit of students who are victims of the situation, the University Campus Bio-medico University of Rome has allocated 5 scholarships including room and board to Ukrainian boys and girls who will be able to join the UCBM university courses starting from the current academic year.

Moreover, the University has activated a call for “Visiting Programme for Ukraine”, that provides funds to support the mobility of professors and researchers working at Ukrainian Universities to carry out teaching and/or research activities at Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome. The following categories of university professors are eligible to participate in this call for applications:

 - Visiting Professor: a Professor whose scientific prestige is internationally recognized. The Visiting Professor must be working as Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Full Professor at Universities located in Ukraine, and must follow, during their stay at UCBM, teaching and seminar activities and/or research activities within a research unit of the University;

 - Visiting Research: Researcher or PhD student. The Visiting Researcher must be working, as a Research Fellow, Lecturer or PHDs, at Universities located in Ukraine and must follow, during their stay in UCBM, research activities within a research unit of the University.

Each candidate can apply for a minimum of 1 month and a maximum of 6 months of activities. 

Applications must be submitted by April 15, 2022 to the International Relations Office via email ([email protected]) by filling it the application form available at:

Call for Visiting Programme | Call for selection of 5 grants | Information

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